April marks the launch of the GYT campaign, Planned Parenthood's effort to raise awareness of the importance of getting yourself tested. It is vitally important to have yourself checked out for a number of reasons; some of which will probably freak you out, but if that's what I have to do to get the job done, then so be it!
Four things you may not know about STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections):
- 1 in 2 people will contract an STI before the age of 25. Yes, that means you have a 50% chance of getting one. If you do, just cross your fingers that it's one of the curable ones! And this leads me to my next point...
- Many STIs are incurable. That's right, you're stuck with them for life. That doesn't mean they're fatal, but you will have to take medication for your condition forever. These include herpes, genital warts, and HIV. Unfortunately, many of these conditions are spread because...
- More than half of people currently carrying an STI don't know they have one! I have been asked how it can be in this age of medical awareness that so many people still contract these diseases. The truth is simple, if not disturbing: people don't get tested! Many STIs don't have symptoms, so people remain under the impression that they're disease-free. Also, just because a disease doesn't cause any discomfort, that doesn't mean it's not dangerous; if left untreated, many STIs can lead to cancer or infertility! (Read my earlier post about the importance of the HPV vaccine.)
- There are so many ways to have yourself checked. UHPP wants to make sure that nobody is turned away for service, so even if have no insurance, there are ways to get the health care you need. The HPV vaccine is free, and payment for other services; such as office visits and exams, tests, consultations and treatment, can be done on an income-based sliding scale. NYS also offers other programs, like the Family Planning Benefit program, which you may qualify for. Visit the UHPP website for more information. This is important, people!
Well I've said my piece. I'm not sure what else I can do, short of posting horrifying pictures so you can see the nauseating truth of what some of these infections can do to your privates. I will refrain for now, but I'll do it-- I swear! Just remember that most STIs can be cleared up with simple antibiotics, and even those that can't are treatable-- but only if you GET YOURSELF TESTED!!!