Monday, March 20, 2017

MORE events at Planned Parenthood!

Upcoming Lobby Visits!
As the stakes get higher UHPP is committed to meeting with local elected officials on behalf of women and families in the Capital Region and we want you with us. Now more than ever it is crucial that we make our voices heard and demand protection for Planned Parenthood healthcare services in New York State! Join us next week as we meet with local New York State Senators and voice our concerns.

Do you live in the 46th Senate District?

Join UHPP Monday, March 20th at 11:00am to visit with Senator George A. Amedore and remind him that women and families in New York are watching.

Do you live in the 44th Senate District?

Join UHPP Tuesday, March 21st at 1:30pm to visit with Senator Neil Breslin to thank him for his continued support of Planned Parenthood.

Register for the visit HERE
PATIENT STORIES NEEDED! If you are a current or former patient of Planned Parenthood and would like to share your story that we can use in our media outreach please email Katherine at
Upcoming Events to Support Planned Parenthood!
Saturday, March 18th:
I Stand with Planned Parenthood Rally in Hudson
Join the Columbia County Democrats and Planned Parenthood at Public Square at the 7th Street Park in Hudson on Saturday, March 18th from 2 to 4 pm. The snow will not deter us!
It is vital to show the community support for Planned Parenthood. Come out and show your support for unfettered access to women’s healthcare, LGBTQ healthcare and access to abortion services.
Speakers will include Assemblymember Didi Barrett, Hudson Mayor Tiffany Martin Hamilton, Dr. Richard Collens, Vice President of Development at Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, Curran Streett, Pastor Kim Singletary from Overcomers Ministries International Church in Hudson, Amber Harris, former Youth Health Educator from Columbia County, Carol Peckham from the Columbia County ACA Taskforce and Cyndy Hall from the Columbia County Democrats.
There is uncertainty ahead and Planned Parenthood is being attacked. But, one thing is for sure — we will never back down, and we will never stop fighting to make sure that patients are able to access the care they need. The days ahead will not be easy, but we will all work together to ensure that Planned Parenthood is here, caring for patients, for the next 100 years.

RSVP on Facebook and SHARE. We need to have a big crowd!
Monday, March 20:
Petition Drop and Rally at Congressman Faso's Office in Kinderhook 

Please join us at Congressman Faso's office on Monday, March 20 at 4:30 pm to 6 pm at 2 Hudson Street in Kinderhook as we deliver thousands of petitions from constituents who want him to know WE STAND WITH PLANNED PARENTHOOD.

As most of you know, Congressman Faso has stated publicaly he would not vote to defund Planned Parenthood and that he understands the important services we provide to our communities. We want to let him know we appreciate his support and that we expect him to vote no on any legislation, including stand alone or ACA repeal, that includes language to defund Planned Parenthood. This will be a positive rally that demonstrates the depth of support Planned Parenthood has in Congressional District NY19.

Why is it so important now? Tucked into the Affordable Care Act repeal bill is a dangerous provision blocking Medicaid patients from Planned Parenthood health centers nationwide.

We need to show Congressman Faso that YOU ARE a part of the overwhelming majority that opposes defunding care at Planned Parenthood health centers. Let's show him we will be ready to fight to protect reproductive health and rights in his district.

RSVP and SHARE on Facebook!
Thursday, March 23:
Comedy Show to Benefit Planned Parenthood in Albany

Thursday, March 23rd from 7:30 to 9 pm. Erin Harkes expands her monthly Chick's Are Funny show to raise money for the UHPP! Erin Harkes headlines a night of comedy with other local ladies Jennifer McMullen, Dre Cerbin, Dee Watson and host Katherine Gaultier. 

RSVP here!
Sunday, April 2
Rise and Shine Breakfast at the Blue Plate in Chatham 
Join Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood at the Blue Plate in Chatham located at 1 Kinderhook Street from 11 am to 1:30 pm on Sunday, April 2.
This fundraiser will support our beautification project for the Hudson health center including the purchase of a new sign! Call Jonathan at 518.912.9031 for cost and to RSVP.
Tuesday, April 4:
Teach-in: Defunding Planned Parenthood and the Future of Rural Healthcare in Columbia County

Event will be held at Hudson Library located at 51 N. 5th Street in Hudson from 6 to 8 pm. 

Join Claire Parde, Executive Director of the Columbia County Community Healthcare Consortium and Chelly Hegan, President/CEO of Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood to talk about the future of healthcare in Columbia County. We will discuss increasing access to quality health care through collaboration, education, information and service delivery. You will learn what defunding would mean to our local Planned Parenthood affiliate, what it means to others affiliates in our state and nationwide. You will learn about the Hyde Amendment, Title X and how Medicaid funding works and how that all affects Planned Parenthood.

The event is FREE and OPEN to the public. Please RSVP on Facebook and SHARE!
If you have any questions or want to get involved, email Nicole at or call 518.434.5678, ext. 137.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

What's Happening at UHPP in March (and Beyond)

A Public Affairs Update from Nicole Carvalho and Katherine Bruno.


NEEDED TODAY! We need letters to the editor! If you are interested in submitting a letter, please email We can give you talking points, full copy or details you may need to submit a letter in your community!
Upcoming Events to Support Planned Parenthood!

UHPP Teach in Hudson: “Defunding Planned Parenthood and the Future of Rural Healthcare in Columbia County.” on Tuesday, April 4 from 6 to 8 pm at Hudson Area Library. Join Claire Parde, Executive Director of the Columbia County Community Healthcare Consortium and Chelly Hegan, President/CEO of UHPP to talk about the future in Columbia County. RSVP here!

I Stand with Planned Parenthood Rally in Hudson! Saturday, March 18 from 2 to 3 pm at the 7th Street Park.Come out and show your support for unfettered access to women’s healthcare, LGBTQ healthcare and access to abortion services sponsored by the Columbia County Democrats! RSVP here!

Comedy Show: Thursday, March 23rd from 7:30 to 9 pm. Erin Harkes expands her monthly Chick's Are Funny show to raise money for the UHPP! Erin Harkes headlines a night of comedy with other local ladies Jennifer McMullen, Dre Cerbin, Dee Watson and host Katherine Gaultier. RSVP here!
If you have any questions or want to get involved, email Nicole at or call 518.434.5678, ext. 137.