#45thAnniversary of Roe v. Wade
is the 45th Anniversary of the landmark Supreme Court decision, Roe v.
Wade, giving women across the country the right to access safe, legal
abortion. This year, leading up to our annual Roe v. Wade Reception,
Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood will be hosting a series of FREE film
screenings on access to abortion and reproductive health care across
the country.
Our first screening will be of Birthright:
A War Story. Birthright is a feature length
documentary that examines how women are being jailed, physically
violated and even put at risk of dying as a radical movement tightens
its grip across America. The film tells the story of women who
have become collateral damage in the aggressive campaign to take
control of reproductive health care and to allow states, courts and
religious doctrine to govern whether, when and how women will bear
children. This is the real-life “Handmaid’s Tale.”
Our FREE SCREENING of Birthright will be held TONIGHT on the 45th
Anniversary of Roe v. Wade, Monday, January 22nd at Albany Law
Dean Alexander Moot Court Room
4th floor at Albany Law
80 New Scotland Ave, Albany
Film starts at 6:15pm, panel discussion to follow
more than forty years, the U.S. Supreme Court has affirmed that under
Roe v. Wade, the constitution protects every woman’s right to make her
own personal medical decisions about abortion. The landmark Roe v.
Wade Supreme Court case was decided on January 22nd and each year we
hold our Celebration For Choice event around this time in
This event honors leaders in our community who work to promote
reproductive justice and protect access to health care. Upper
Hudson Planned Parenthood supporters, including local and state
legislative leaders, clergy, health care and women’s health advocates
will attend this annual celebration to commemorate the 45th
We hope you will join us and our supporters at this
remarkable occasion on
Thursday, February 22nd 2018 from 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Renaissance Albany Hotel
144 State Street
Albany, NY 12207
Join Reproductive Health Advocates from Across New
York State!
Our reproductive health care and rights are under
constant attack, but YOU
can make a difference. Mark your calendar now to save the date
for New York State’s Day of Action for
reproductive health on Tuesday, March 13, 2018, at our state capital,
Albany, NY.
There is no charge for our state’s Day of
Action which includes:
- Educating
lawmakers on reproductive health care issues
- Lunch
- Planned
Parenthood rally
- Pre-event
educational webinar
Don’t miss this – plan now
to use YOUR VOICE in Albany on
Tuesday, March 13, 2018.
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