Wednesday, July 18, 2018

WARNING: 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers' Are Not Legitimate Health Centers

It's no secret that with the current political climate, anti-choice and alt-right fanatics have been emboldened by rhetoric that enables and even encourages reckless behavior.  While this particular issue isn't exactly new, it is becoming more widespread in the face of this encouragement.

The Hendrick Hudson Buuilding
200 Broadway, Troy
The downtown Troy, NY Planned Parenthood is currently being plagued by one such anti-choice organization. They have purchased a van and are attempting to lure women away from the Troy Planned Parenthood office by offering them ultrasounds (in a van? Oh that's not creepy). This is made more confusing by the fact that the building that currently houses the Troy health center will not allow any outside branded signage, so sometimes patients aren't sure they are in the right place. We have heard reports of women being given bad directions to Planned Parenthood by the van's inhabitants, and made to wander around Troy, missing their appointments.

The van does not currently have a permit, and we don't know if there are even any legitimate trained medical professionals on board. Katherine Bruno, Chief Experience Officer for Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP), has this to say about the van:
This mobile ultrasound unit has been parked in cities across Upstate New York and is most often parked in the city of Troy very near the Planned Parenthood Health Center on Broadway.

UHPP has spoken with the Troy Mayor's Office and the City Clerk. The clerk confirms that in order for anyone to be on the streets of Troy offering services of any kind, they need a permit. This mobile unit does not have one, nor have they applied for one once it was made clear that it was required. The City Clerk has communicated this with the Deputy Mayor and the Chief of Police. All city officials are aware that the van cannot be on the street offering services of any kind without a permit.

When the van arrived on Broadway across from the UHPP Health Center entrance in July, the police were called and the police did nothing. UHPP has been reassured by city officials that this is not what is supposed to happen. Once again UHPP has voiced concern and has clarified that should the van reappear, Troy Police should ask them to leave until they acquire a permit.
These anti-choice organizations make it their mission to mislead young women. Patients reported not understanding the difference between Planned Parenthood and one of these other centers, and more and more of them are popping up around the country, a situation to which this post from Lifehacker can attest.  Apparently, one of them in West Virginia was so convincingly misleading, that they were vandalized by other anti-choice fanatics. This is the sign they put up addressing their vandals:

Kudos on the trickery, Women's Choice Pregnancy Center; it looks like it really paid off for you. In fact, the very name "Women's Choice Pregnancy Center" is a fallacy, because it implies that they actually care about women's choices.

Elizabeth Clark, Director of Media Health for Planned Parenthood, offers this advice for recognizing a phony health center:
“Crisis pregnancy centers often purposely use language, in their advertising or signs, that mimic legitimate, licensed health care providers. They use names that are similar to actual healthcare providers. Be really suspicious of what you’re reading. Crisis pregnancy centers are not required to be true medical facilities and are not required to provide accurate information about health care. Look to see if there are licensed medical staff. Are there licensed clinicians? What are the services they say they provide?”
When in doubt, call Planned Parenthood directly, at 1-800-230-PLAN, and they will help set up an appointment at your closest health center, or visit and make your appointment online.  If you see something super shady, tell someone. And whatever you do, definitely don't get into some creepy van.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Letter to the Editor: President endangers women's health care

Originally posted in the Albany Times Union

On May 22, the Trump administration announced its proposed regulations that would prohibit Title X providers from referring their patients for safe, legal abortion. This proposed rule would also make it impossible for millions of patients, including myself, to receive birth control and other preventive care. In 14 states, Planned Parenthood serves more than 50 percent of the Title X patients in their states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Washington, Wisconsin, Utah and Vermont.

This is a domestic gag rule and it is not only an undisguised attempt to restrict women's basic rights but also a threat to this country's health, including my own. According to an esteemed health policy professor at George Washington University, Sara Rosenbaum, "Community health centers provide important services but aren't as equipped to provide the reproductive services that Planned Parenthood is known for."

Our country has come too far to have an option as dangerous and vile as this proposed gag rule to even be remotely considered in 2018. This rule is not just about abortion. This is about the prevention of millions of people from accessing STD/STI tests and treatment, birth control, health exams and cancer screenings. This is about risking the lives of American people in the name of being "pro-life."

As a community, we must take a stance. We should not let our country fall behind and allow this administration to blatantly attack women's rights.

Carissa Streckfuss

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Letter to the Editor: Gag Rule is Unethical

To the editor:

I am writing to express my concern regarding the gag rule recently proposed by the Trump-Pence administration. This gag rule is medically unethical and a blatant attempt to infringe on women's basic rights.

Title X is a federal program which has for decades provided funding for reproductive healthcare, like preventative cancer screening and birth control, for women who could not otherwise afford this care.

Not only would this proposed gag rule make it illegal for health care providers in the Title X program to inform their patients on how to access safe, legal abortion; it would also implement other regulations designed to keep millions of women from accessing birth control and other preventative care, from providers like Planned Parenthood.

It is 2018. The fact that something like this is on the table is frightening and absurd.

Recent polling has shown an overwhelming opposition to Trump's gag rule as 73 percent of Americans - myself included - disapprove of these efforts to restrict women's rights and access to health care. More than 200 members of Congress, over 110 public health organizations, major medical associations such as the American Medical Association, and PlannedParenthood's 11 million supporters are coming out against this dangerous rule because it is just that: dangerous.

I urge your readers to stand against this proposed rule and see it for what it is: an assault on our basic rights.

Deborah Shakotko

Letter to the Editor: Gag Rule is a Full Frontal Attack

To the editor:

I am a Registered Nurse writing to express my concern regarding President Trump's recently proposed gag rule. Frankly, it is a full frontal attack on women's basic rights. Not only would this rule prohibit health care providers under the Title X program from informing their patients on how to access safe, legal abortions; it would also implement other rules designed to keep millions from accessing birth control and preventative care, including cancer screenings from providers like PlannedParenthood. Fundamentally, it removes the guarantee that patients will receive complete and accurate information about their health care from their providers. I finds this absolutely frightening. No one should ever be denied basic information about their health care.

This proposed gag rule has already been met with opposition, especially from the medical community. The American Nurses Association has stated that this rule "violates basic ethics of the nursing profession." In addition, new polling shows 73 percent of Americans oppose administration actions like the domestic gag rule.

Planned Parenthood plays an enormous role in providing care and consistently outperforms other publicly funded providers. In New York, in 2015, Planned Parenthood served 144,640 or 52 percent of women in the Title X program. If Planned Parenthood were to be excluded from Title X, other Title X-funded sites would have to increase their caseloads by 111%. That is not only infeasible but morally wrong as this will result in a major blow to health care access for low-income people.

I urge your readers see this as what it is: an attack on our basic rights.

Christine Primomo, R.N.

Letter to the Editor: Title X gag rule only hurts those in need

I am a 72-year-old retired obstetrician/gynecologist. Before my retirement, I had my own private practice and also had various roles at our local Planned Parenthoods.

I am writing to express my dismay at the institution of what is a domestic gag rule on Title X providers (doctors, nurses, community health centers, etc.) as of May 22. Title X is the federal program that provides funding to subsidize people needing reproductive health care and contraception. None of the Title X money funds abortions.

The gag rule makes it illegal for health care providers to mention the word abortion. We cannot say that it is legal, that it is safe or how to obtain one.

What will the effect of this gag rule be? The underserved women who rely on Planned Parenthood clinics for their birth control and reproductive health care will not be able to go there anymore because Planned Parenthood will steadfastly continue to provide counseling and access to safe, legal abortion. Women who have the resources to see a private OB/GYN will not suffer from the gag rule.
Planned Parenthood serves 40 percent of Title X patients. A third of women who rely on Title X funding live in counties where Planned Parenthood is the only provider of contraceptive and reproductive services.

The obvious end result of this is that women with limited resources will not get contraception. No contraception will mean increased rates of unintended pregnancies and abortions for this marginalized group. They also will not get screening for sexually transmitted infections and cancer.

My question is: Why does our government want to make life even harder for women who are struggling with adversity already?

Margaret Craven, M.D.

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Political Courage and the Reproductive Health Act of 1970

By Dwight Smith
Ally for Reproductive Justice

George Michaels
April 9, 1970 is a special day in New York State legislative history; Assemblyman George Michaels changed his vote from "No" to "Yes", thereby enabling the 1970 Reproductive Health Act to pass the Assembly (the state Senate had passed it previously; Governor Rockefeller signed it into law the following day).  The story of that day, and the history of illegal abortions in New York over the 150 years preceding it, are documented in "From Danger to Dignity: The Fight for Safe Abortion", produced by Concentric Media in association with KTEH-TV, San Jose, CA.  It is available on YouTube and is well worth watching.  Indeed, in today's political climate in which reproductive rights are under fierce attack its message may be more important than when it was released in 1995.

Yet even though significant in content and praiseworthy for its production values, the documentary glosses over two contributing elements of the 1970 story.  They concern Michaels himself, and the atmosphere in which that final vote took place.

First, a word about Michaels.  A native of Queens and a graduate of Cornell and Brooklyn Law School, he established a law practice in Auburn, New York, an upstate, largely conservative and Roman Catholic city.  A Democrat, he represented Auburn and Cayuga County in the legislature from 1961-1966, when through reapportionment his district was merged with its neighbor that encompassed Cortland County.  He declined to run in the new district until 1969, when he rejoined the Assembly.  At the time, he was noted primarily for his support of expanded state aid for rural school districts and (in 1970) for promoting the bluebird as the state's official bird.

He also favored a woman's right to choose to have an abortion on a personal basis, but how widely his position was then known is not clear.  He had twice complied with requests from his District's Democratic Committee to vote against reproductive rights, including legalized abortion.  April 9, however, was a different story.  As it is described in "From Danger to Dignity" Michaels' decision is clearly a significant event. But by incorporating only the final two sentences of his remarks that day it misses a tense, emotional drama.

That absence may reflect the fact that the documentary was prepared 25 years after the event by a team that had not been there to witness it.  My family and I were there, and we still recall it as an occasion that merits a more complete description.

That we were in the Assembly Gallery at all that afternoon was entirely happenstance.  We had gone to Albany City Hall that afternoon to apply for passports for a forthcoming trip abroad (in those days the process began by having your signature notarized by the town or city clerk).  The process took less time than we anticipated and as we walked back to our car parked by the State Capitol I sensed a teaching moment for our three young sons.  With no knowledge of what was up, I suggested: "let's go see what is going on in the legislature".  Since we were on the Assembly side of the building, we went up to its gallery just as Michaels was beginning to talk.

To set the stage: when a roll call vote is being taken in the Assembly, an electronic wall display shows each member's vote as well as a running total of all Yes and No votes.  Ultimately, the Speaker instructs the clerk to close the voting process and a final tally is announced and recorded.  Seventy-six Yes votes are required for passage of the matter at hand, and the Speaker votes only when his vote will make a difference.  On this occasion, the electronic display showed a tie vote, 74-74, so even if the Speaker had voted the measure would not pass.

While a roll call is in process members may address the Assembly to explain their votes, but this is not common.  When Michaels rose to speak no one knew what he was going to say, and given the voting deadlock, the atmosphere in the packed galleries was palpably tense.

I don't know how long he spoke; it seemed like ten minutes or more.  He rambled as he took us through his inner thoughts.  His intent became clearer when he told the Assembly of pressures from his family.  "One of my sons just called me a whore for the vote I (previously) cast against this"; a second son insisted: "Dad, for God's sake, don't let your vote be the vote that defeats the bill".  "I had hoped that this would never happen," Michaels said; "(my constituents will) condemn me for what I am about to do.  But what's the use of getting elected, or reelected, if you don't stand for something. … I realize, Mr. Speaker, that I am terminating my political career, but I cannot in good conscience sit here and allow my vote to be the one that defeats this bill."

He asked the Speaker, Perry Duryea, Jr., a Republican from Montauk, to change his vote to Yes.  The now- 75-73 vote required Duryea to vote: he voted Yes, declared the bill passed, and immediately adjourned the session.  A highly-charged incident ended in a collective sigh of relief and joy.

From my perspective, Michaels’ story deserves repeating in an era where #MeToo seems to be controlling the headlines. Despite current notorious examples of misogyny, there are men who have stood and continue to stand with women in the fight for equality. These are men who actively reject the premise that women are a subordinate class when it comes to managing their own lives. They don't do it for recognition and thanks but simply because they believe it is the right thing to do.  And some, like Michaels, have even been willing to accept the accompanying personal cost of standing up to established ways.

Watch the historic moment in this video:

Monday, May 7, 2018

Cecile Richards' Troy Book Signing, and More!

This week with Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood
Make Trouble by Cecile Richards
Former Planned Parenthood Federation of America President Cecile Richards will be in Troy for a book signing!

Cecile Richards is a national leader for women’s rights and social and economic justice. As President of Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood Action Fund for more than a decade, Richards worked to increase affordable access to reproductive health care and to build a healthier and safer world for women and young people. After starting her career as a labor organizer, working with women earning the minimum wage, she went on to start her own grassroots organizations, and later served as Deputy Chief of Staff to House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi. In 2011 and 2012, she was named one of TIME Magazine’s 100 Most Influential People in the World. Richards is a frequent speaker and commentator on politics and progressive issues.

Event date: Saturday, May 12, 2018
Event time: 3:30pm
Event address:  Market Block Books located at 290 River Street, Troy, NY 12180
For more information click here.
#Intergenerational Story Share

There is so much we can learn from the founders of the reproductive health and rights movement. The world before Roe v. Wade is one very few of us can even fathom but for these long time Planned Parenthood supporters, it is a world they know all too well. Our intergenerational story share potluck aims to bring the voices of our current advocates and the elders of the Beverwyck Community Action Council together to share stories and life experiences.

The Beverwyck Community Action Council wants to hear from YOU! It's an unbelievable gift to be heard, and to hear someone else in exchange. The Beverwyck group has reserved a room and planned months in advance to make this happen - by attending this event you are committing to being a part of a broader community of activists invested in the work of Planned Parenthood.

Join us at this potluck event sponsored by Friends with Benefits and the Beverwyck Community Action Council for a shared meal and invaluable conversation.

**It’s important we show up for this event. Please RSVP here!
 Thursday, May 17th
6:00 - 8:00 pm
The Terrace at Beverwyck Retirement Community
41 Beverwyck Ln #1, Slingerlands, NY 12159
#NYS DOL One Fair Wage Hearing

Join UHPP and coalition partners at the NYS DOL One Fair Wage Hearing at the Legislative Office Building at the Capital in Albany! We are joining with our coalition partners to help raise the pay of tipped workers to the full minimum wage. No worker should be at risk of wage theft, sexual harassment or discrimination.

If you are interested in joining us for a rally and to attend the hearing, please RSVP HERE! We need to SHOW up for our partners in PINK!
Friday May 18th
9:00 am Meet in the Well of the LOB (press conference and rally)
10:00 am hearing begins
Legislative Office Building (LOB)
198 State Street
Albany, NY 12210

Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Federal Government Can't Halt Teen Pregnancy Prevention Program

Justice Rice
The Federal government has been trying since the inauguration to strip away access to preventative care and topple Planned Parenthood health centers across the country.

This latest attempt by the administration to strip federal grant money from the TPPP is just another one in a long list of attacks. This one, in particular, specifically targeted Planned Parenthood, and the judge who blocked the attempt, U.S. District Judge Thomas Rice, called the attack arbitrary and capricious, which could allege that he found the defunding attempt to be spiteful, undemocratic, and perhaps even a little childish.
“The courts confirmed that the Trump-Pence administration’s attempt to impose its ideological agenda on young people is unlawful,” Dawn Laguens, executive vice president of Planned Parenthood Federation of America, said in a statement.1
The TPPP was created by President Obama in 2010, and helps provide preventative care to 1.5 million young people nationwide.  Instead of acting in the best interests of the young people who often have nowhere else to turn for birth control and education, our current administration would rather deliver a blow to Planned Parenthood for the sake of bragging rights and party agenda.

Planned Parenthood CEOs and other staff members were in DC for the National Conference when this news was announced, and the outcome was understandably well received by everyone.  Since the attacks are bound to keep coming, we can only hope that federal judges continue to do what’s right for the youth of our country. 

Tuesday, April 10, 2018


#Abortion Access Bowl-A-Thon 2018

Say NO to back alleys, and YES to bowling alleys! Join Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood at Del Lanes in Delmar on April 29th at 2pm to #FundAbortionBuildPower.
We're lacing up our bowling shoes and getting to work! Want to show up for abortion access? Support us by making a donation to our team or join the squad! The process is fast, easy, and secure! Bowl with the UHPP staff, invest in abortion funds and raise money with us. *FREE SWAG FOR ALL TEAM MEMBERS* Pre-registration is required - Get more info on the UHPP team here!
Send a message that you believe we all should be able to access abortion, no matter how much money we make or where we live. Care, no matter what! 

Sunday, April 29th at 2:00pm
Del Lanes in Delmar
4 Bethlehem Ct, Delmar, NY 12054

Monday, March 26, 2018

This Week with UHPP

This week with Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood
Women's Agenda In The NYS Budget
New York has a long and proud legacy of leading the way to advance women’s rights. From the birth of the women’s rights movement at Seneca Falls to the recent passage of the most comprehensive Paid Family Leave policy in the nation, New York continues to champion women’s rights and break down barriers to equality.
In 2018, we have an opportunity to build on this progress and continue to advance equality across all areas of life.
While the federal government seeks to roll back women’s rights, New York State looks toward the future. With these bold set of proposals, the 2018 Agenda will create opportunity for women to succeed in every area: work, health, safety, education and family life and you can learn more about each of them here. Call your elected officials in the NYS Senate and Assembly TODAY and urge them to include the Women's Agenda, including the Comprehensive Contraceptive Coverage Act, $750,000 legislative add for the Family Planning Grant, decriminalization of abortion, and the creation of a maternal mortality review board in the NYS Budget! 

#TheFWord - April Book Club Meeting

As you all know we try to focus on national themes with our book club selections and this month is no different. March is Women’s History Month, and to celebrate all the amazing women who have gone down in history as feminist icons, we have decided to read about a young woman who embodies just this. This month The F Word will be reading, I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban by Malala Yousafzai. We will be meeting at 3Fish Coffee on Sunday, April 8th at 11am to review this incredible novel and discuss ways we can support and uplift the women in our communities who make us all stronger.

When the Taliban took control of the Swat Valley in Pakistan, one girl spoke out. Malala Yousafzai refused to be silenced and fought for her right to an education. On Tuesday, October 9, 2012, when she was fifteen, she almost paid the ultimate price. She was shot in the head at point-blank range while riding the bus home from school, and few expected her to survive. Instead, Malala's miraculous recovery has taken her on an extraordinary journey from a remote valley in northern Pakistan to the halls of the United Nations in New York. At sixteen, she has become a global symbol of peaceful protest and the youngest-ever Nobel Peace Prize laureate.
  Sunday, April 8th at 11:00am
3Fish Coffee
466 Madison Ave, Albany, NY 12208

Volunteer Training Night

Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood is looking for volunteers to get involved and to help us engage our community through outreach efforts and get out the vote opportunities this Spring!

Are you interested in working side by side at community events across the capital region spreading Upper Hudson Planned Parenthoods mission? Are you ready to continue to fight for reproductive freedom and help educate our community on the importance of safer sex? Together, we can demostrate our power, engage our people and move our work of expanding access to sexual and reproductive healthcare and rights forward!

As we head into the warmer months, we are looking for passionate, committed advocates who want to volunteer for community outreach initiatives including tabling at summer fairs, Healthy Neighborhood Canvassing and with our non-partisan our voter registration campaign! Join us at our next volunteer training night to learn more about available volunteer opportunities and start the training you will need to join us in the streets. Dinner will be served! Reserve your spot today!
 Monday, April 16th 6-8pm
Albany Conference Room
855 Central Avenue

#Abortion Access Bowl-A-Thon 2018
Say NO to back alleys, and YES to bowling alleys! Join Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood at Del Lanes in Delmar on April 29th at 2pm to #FundAbortionBuildPower.
We're lacing up our bowling shoes and getting to work! Want to show up for abortion access? Support us by making a donation to our team or join the squad! The process is fast, easy, and secure! Bowl with the UHPP staff, invest in abortion funds and raise money with us. Get more info on the UHPP team here!
Send a message that you believe we all should be able to access abortion, no matter how much money we make or where we live. Care, no matter what! 
  Sunday, April 29th at 2:00pm
Del Lanes in Delmar
4 Bethlehem Ct, Delmar, NY 12054

Copyright © 2018 Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood, All rights reserved.
 Thank you for joining our list

Our mailing address is:
855 Central Avenue
Albany, NY 12206