Wednesday, July 18, 2018

WARNING: 'Crisis Pregnancy Centers' Are Not Legitimate Health Centers

It's no secret that with the current political climate, anti-choice and alt-right fanatics have been emboldened by rhetoric that enables and even encourages reckless behavior.  While this particular issue isn't exactly new, it is becoming more widespread in the face of this encouragement.

The Hendrick Hudson Buuilding
200 Broadway, Troy
The downtown Troy, NY Planned Parenthood is currently being plagued by one such anti-choice organization. They have purchased a van and are attempting to lure women away from the Troy Planned Parenthood office by offering them ultrasounds (in a van? Oh that's not creepy). This is made more confusing by the fact that the building that currently houses the Troy health center will not allow any outside branded signage, so sometimes patients aren't sure they are in the right place. We have heard reports of women being given bad directions to Planned Parenthood by the van's inhabitants, and made to wander around Troy, missing their appointments.

The van does not currently have a permit, and we don't know if there are even any legitimate trained medical professionals on board. Katherine Bruno, Chief Experience Officer for Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood (UHPP), has this to say about the van:
This mobile ultrasound unit has been parked in cities across Upstate New York and is most often parked in the city of Troy very near the Planned Parenthood Health Center on Broadway.

UHPP has spoken with the Troy Mayor's Office and the City Clerk. The clerk confirms that in order for anyone to be on the streets of Troy offering services of any kind, they need a permit. This mobile unit does not have one, nor have they applied for one once it was made clear that it was required. The City Clerk has communicated this with the Deputy Mayor and the Chief of Police. All city officials are aware that the van cannot be on the street offering services of any kind without a permit.

When the van arrived on Broadway across from the UHPP Health Center entrance in July, the police were called and the police did nothing. UHPP has been reassured by city officials that this is not what is supposed to happen. Once again UHPP has voiced concern and has clarified that should the van reappear, Troy Police should ask them to leave until they acquire a permit.
These anti-choice organizations make it their mission to mislead young women. Patients reported not understanding the difference between Planned Parenthood and one of these other centers, and more and more of them are popping up around the country, a situation to which this post from Lifehacker can attest.  Apparently, one of them in West Virginia was so convincingly misleading, that they were vandalized by other anti-choice fanatics. This is the sign they put up addressing their vandals:

Kudos on the trickery, Women's Choice Pregnancy Center; it looks like it really paid off for you. In fact, the very name "Women's Choice Pregnancy Center" is a fallacy, because it implies that they actually care about women's choices.

Elizabeth Clark, Director of Media Health for Planned Parenthood, offers this advice for recognizing a phony health center:
“Crisis pregnancy centers often purposely use language, in their advertising or signs, that mimic legitimate, licensed health care providers. They use names that are similar to actual healthcare providers. Be really suspicious of what you’re reading. Crisis pregnancy centers are not required to be true medical facilities and are not required to provide accurate information about health care. Look to see if there are licensed medical staff. Are there licensed clinicians? What are the services they say they provide?”
When in doubt, call Planned Parenthood directly, at 1-800-230-PLAN, and they will help set up an appointment at your closest health center, or visit and make your appointment online.  If you see something super shady, tell someone. And whatever you do, definitely don't get into some creepy van.

Monday, July 2, 2018

Letter to the Editor: President endangers women's health care

Originally posted in the Albany Times Union

On May 22, the Trump administration announced its proposed regulations that would prohibit Title X providers from referring their patients for safe, legal abortion. This proposed rule would also make it impossible for millions of patients, including myself, to receive birth control and other preventive care. In 14 states, Planned Parenthood serves more than 50 percent of the Title X patients in their states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Iowa, Michigan, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Washington, Wisconsin, Utah and Vermont.

This is a domestic gag rule and it is not only an undisguised attempt to restrict women's basic rights but also a threat to this country's health, including my own. According to an esteemed health policy professor at George Washington University, Sara Rosenbaum, "Community health centers provide important services but aren't as equipped to provide the reproductive services that Planned Parenthood is known for."

Our country has come too far to have an option as dangerous and vile as this proposed gag rule to even be remotely considered in 2018. This rule is not just about abortion. This is about the prevention of millions of people from accessing STD/STI tests and treatment, birth control, health exams and cancer screenings. This is about risking the lives of American people in the name of being "pro-life."

As a community, we must take a stance. We should not let our country fall behind and allow this administration to blatantly attack women's rights.

Carissa Streckfuss