Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No, Stop, Quit it, ENOUGH!

The video below addresses the apparently confusing matter of how to treat a girl who has had too much to drink. Rather than treating her like an inflatable doll and then blaming HER for any assault she may have withstood while in a drunken stupor, think about some of your less sober college days.  Hey, perhaps you still indulge in the hooch to excess in your free time.  No judgment here-- as long as nobody gets hurt.  I'm also sure that none of you have ever done anything really, really, stupid (I'm not just talking about funny stupid-- I'm talking about potentially life-threatening or at the very least end-up-in-jail stupid). 

So why is it socially acceptable for some to treat women in such a terrible way?  Regarding the now-infamous Steubenville case, the victim blaming that occured afterward was horrifying.  Not only was there sympathy for the rapists, ("They had such promising futures!") but she was publicly humiliated when her name was released and her identity was revealed, resulting in death threats.  And the logic behind this, essentially, is that "she had it coming because she drank too much," or "she should have known better."  Just because she drank too much doesn't mean she should suffer the gross injustices inflicted upon her. 

If you are a college-age individual, I ask you: how would you feel if one of your less-than-classy moments of drunkenness was paraded all over the media for everyone to see and judge you upon?  Even without having been raped, I'm sure you would have been mortified.  If you are older and maybe have children of your own,  how would you feel if this happened to your daughter? 

It's time for the victim shaming to stop.  It's time for people to quit treating intoxicated women as public property, and it's definitely time to end this pervasive rape culture.  So who's with me?

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