Monday, November 6, 2017

This week with Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood

This week with Upper Hudson Planned Parenthood

Don't Forget to VOTE Tomorrow!

Tomorrow is Election Day in New York State and it's a great opportunity to get out and support the issues that matter to you. Not sure what seats are up for election in your area? Visit to learn where candidates running for office in your community stand on the issues. You can even print or email the information to use as a reference when you actually vote. 
#New York 2017 Ballot Measures
This year, three statewide ballot measures were certified to appear on the back of the ballot on November 7, 2017.
  • New York Proposal 1, the Constitutional Convention Question, is on the ballot in New York as an automatic ballot referral on November 7, 2017.
    • A 'no' vote opposes holding a constitutional convention to develop and propose changes to the state constitution that voters would vote on at the election on November 5, 2019.
    • A 'yes' vote supports holding a constitutional convention to develop and propose changes to the state constitution that voters would vote on at the election on November 5, 2019.
You can find out more about the Constitutional Convention, including opponents and supporters here.
  • New York Proposal 2, the Pension Forfeiture for Convicted Officials Amendment, is on the ballot in New York as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 7, 2017.
    • A "yes" vote supports this amendment to authorize judges to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer convicted of a felony related to his or her official duties.
    • A "no" vote opposed this amendment to authorize judges to reduce or revoke the public pension of a public officer convicted of a felony related to his or her official duties. 
You can find out more about the Pension Forfeiture for Convicted Officials Amendment, including supporters and opponents here.
  • New York Proposal 3, the Forest Preserve Land Bank Amendment, is on the ballot in New York as a legislatively referred constitutional amendment on November 7, 2017.
    • A "yes" vote supports this amendment to create a 250-acre land bank, which would allow local governments to request state Forest Preserve land for qualifying projects in exchange for the state adding 250 new acres to the preserve; and allow bike paths, sewer lines within the width of highways on preserve land.
    • A "no" vote opposes this amendment to create a 250-acre state Forest Preserve land bank; and allow bike paths, sewer lines, and utility lines within the width of highways on preserve land. 
You can find out more about the Forest Preserve Land Bank Amendment, including supporters and opponents here.

Join Upper Hudson Planed Parenthood Advocates of NY, Indivisible Chatham NY, Indivisible Rensselaer (Official), Indivisible NY19, Green River Indivisible, and other coalition partners as we rally outside Representative John Faso's office in the Village of Kinderhook every Friday from noon-1pm. Bring a sign to tell Faso what you care about, or use one of the extra signs that are usually available. It's also a perfect time to stop by his office to pick up and fill out a comment form.
Every Friday, 12:00pm
Representative John Faso's Kinderhook Office
2 Hudson Street, Kinderhook, NY

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